G20 Ministers confirm GFEI's key vehicle fuel efficiency role

At the Antalya G20 Summit in Turkey on 15-16th November world leaders issued a final Communique which signed off the G20 Energy Minister’s Plan, agreed at the G20’s first ever Energy Ministerial in October.
The final G20 Ministerial communique reiterates the statements in the Energy Ministers declaration, stating “We also highlight the progress made this year by participating countries in taking forward our collaboration on energy efficiency and agree to further support on a voluntary basis the 2015 outcomes of existing work streams on efficiency and emissions performance of vehicles, particularly heavy duty vehicles, networked devices, buildings, industrial processes and electricity generation, as well as financing for energy efficiency.”
Energy Ministers formally recognised the benefits of energy efficiency, including lower costs for households and businesses, greater economic productivity and growth, strengthened energy security, and improved environmental outcomes. In addition, they welcomed the progress achieved in 2015 by countries participating in the G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan and committed to further work on vehicle efficiency and emissions.
The Global Fuel Economy Initiative is an implementing partner of the G20's Transport Task Group (TTG) and has provided analysis for G20 countries to inform further action to improve the fuel economy of vehicles. The TTG has the shared goal of reducing the energy and environmental impacts of motor vehicles. Participating countries are invited to report on country progress on policy roadmaps and interim milestones to achieve world-class, domestic clean vehicle and fuels national policies and programmes by September 2016.
Sheila Watson, Executive Secretary of the GFEI and FIA Foundation Director of Environment and Research, said:
“G20 leaders have committed in Turkey to long-term action on reducing emissions from vehicles. Improving vehicle fuel economy will save money, cut pollution, and help mitigate the impact of climate change. The GFEI will continue as an Implementing Agency of this work stream, and we remain committed to supporting G20 countries as they address this issue. As leaders prepare for the COP21 Climate Change talks in Paris, we urge all countries to commit to new efforts to improve vehicle fuel economy.